3 of Clubs
Word Combos
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The horizontal text can form words that can be described by the vertical text.
You can combine one word from each card, in many different combinations, to create new words.
Have you worked out the significance of the fragmented symbols near the edges of the cards?
The symbols are halves of letters. When you identify two words that combine nicely, the symbols “in between” those words will form a complete letter.
Have you identified 6 letters that can spell the one-word answer?
The order to arrange the letters is the same as the order of horizontal text clues.
That's all the hints I have for this puzzle. The next click will reveal the answer as well as a quick breakdown of the intended method for arriving at the answer.
The first letter to the answer is “B.”
The important word combinations are “Chain-saw”, “Chain-mail”, “Saw-fish”, “Food-coloring”, “Fish-food”, and “Food-chain”. The associated letter fragments join together making the letters B-E-L-O-N-G. The answer is BELONG.
This puzzle will make use of two cards. The 3 of Diamonds and Clubs.
Have you worked out the relation between the vertical and horizontal text?
Have you worked out how you’re meant to “combine” words from each card together?
Don't be shy! Click here to begin hints for this puzzle.
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That's all the hints I have for this puzzle. The next click will reveal the answer as well as a quick breakdown of the intended method for arriving at the answer.